Friday, July 11, 2008

Jesse, One Year Later!


I love it when we get to photograph the same kids over time! I know then that Beaubaby is becoming a real part of building a family record and legacy that actually shows how a child and family was, and not just what they looked like! That is my favorite thing, to be able witness and capture real family moments and the particular moment and phase of childhood.

Courtney and I were talking about how she has NO pictures of her mother from when she was growing up. She really wishes those images had been made! Sometimes we think we need to look our best to be ready for photos, when really, just interacting and being with our kids and having a photographer document that is beautiful in ways we can't even anticipate.

I'm posting some of my favorite pictures from Jesse's session last week. He loves blowing bubbles, and wears the cutest Keen shoes. He is still into his sippy cup, but I'm willing to bet that will all change by next year...

Thank you to Denise, Michael and to Jesse, for inviting me back again!


Introducing Beaubaby Photographer, Nick!

Although Nick aspires to be a war photographer someday, he has a softer side too! He loves photographing kids and is great at getting them laugh and giggle. I met Nick when we were both studying photography at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. We both loved B&W documentary style work, like the kinds of images you would have seen in Life Magazine. I'm lucky to work with a group of photographers who are talented, highly trained, and also just incredibly nice people. We share a love for documenting kids and families!



I wanted to do something different with little Kennedy since mom had already taken so many photos of her at home. We met at up at Laguna Gloria-- a location I absolutely love.

The future longhorn quickly went from curious about the camera to absolutely loving being the center of attention as she cooed and smiled for me. It was great seeing Ali, Nelson, and Kennedy again and a blast to photograph them as a family! Thanks, guys!
